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quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Moda dos anos 80
Os anos 80 são conhecidos como a década da música eletrônica. Nesta época, o New Wave e o Synthpop se tornam os gêneros musicais mais vendáveis e populares, assim como toda a estrutura da Dance Music. Surge a MTV e o hip hop; advento da música eletrônica nas pistas de dança e as primeiras raves. No underground é criado o rótulo "música industrial" para bandas eletrônicas mais experimentais e obscuras, além de diversas bandas de rock de garagem que dariam origem ao grunge na década de 1990. Foi nos anos 80 que surgiu a vertente da música que mais originou variantes, a House music. Inspirada em experimentações sobre batidos dos anos 70, principalmente a disco music, teve como principais representante: Bomb the bass, S'express, gino latino, coldcut, entre outros

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009

The eighties were marked by intense popular participation. It was the resumption of large mass demonstrations.
Crowds took to the streets after many years of silence, years of repression of social movements, caused by the military dictatorship. In the early popped many strikes in the country overall, but when we marked the scene and has influenced other over Brazil would be a strike by workers of the ABC more precisely in S. Bernardo do Campo held by employees of automakers that region . The metallurgic school and did a lot of history with the emergence of a new unionism without peleguismo. Another movement was the very expression of Direct Elections Now, who took charge of Brazil. In all capital crowds took to the streets asking for direct elections for president. Many rallies with the participation of leading politicians, artists and especially the people. Eighties were also a lot of musicality, especially rock bands. In politics there was a great event ending the decade, the first directly elected president of the republic after more than 20 anos.Isto was beautiful with democracy back, but who won did not convince. It was the victory of depoliticized and television. This was a decade which saw the Brazilian nation reborn democracy in Brazilian soil at the hands of its people. There have always been those eager to gain ground, took the time to resurrect the political scene. Years were marked by a lot of hope on the one hand and a lot of disbelief on the other. There were those who after years of silence and a lot of repression had lost hope because of the years that did not form any leadership, so there was scarce a generation of leaders. There was much political unrest.

Os Menudos

The Menudo was a phenomenon in Latin America, in Brazil, for example, drew millions of teenagers (read girls) from all walks of life, which formed thousands of fan clubs, to an extent compared to only Beatlemania in the world. The Menudo in the 1980s was the band's visibility in the Brazilian media, the boys Puerto Ricans appeared to most of the time on TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, in short all the press for specific celebrities was with the artistic phenomenon Menudo. At this time the menudos of Puerto Rico came to close the most expensive hotels in the country only for his staff, the shows could only be achieved in the larger stadiums in major Brazilian cities, due to the huge size of the audience, and products like shirts, badges, albums, posters, etc.. sold so much that the group would hold only the sale of these, not to mention the concerts and albums.
Geography Apartheid

The anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela, who presided over South Africa after the apartheid regime.
Apartheid was officially established in South Africa in 1948 by the Nationalist Party (Nationalist Party) who rose to power and blocked the integration policy that was being practiced by the central government.

The Nationalist Party represented the interests of white elites, specifically minority boere. After 1948, the system of racial segregation peaked. Were abolished definitely some political and social rights that still existed in some provinces of South Africa.

Racial differences were legally codified in order to classify the population according to the social group they belonged to. Segregation took enormous extension permeating all space and social relations. Marriages between whites and blacks were banned.

Blacks could not hold the same transportation used by the whites, could not reside in the same neighborhood and not do the same work, among other restrictions. Whites came to control about 87% of the country, what was left was composed of independent territories, but very poor, social groups left to non-whites.

Decline of apartheid
Apartheid is the only case history of a system in which racial segregation has taken an institutional dimension. This situation set the South African government as a dictatorship of the white race.

In the 1970s, the government of South Africa tried in vain to find formulas that would ensure some international legitimacy. However, both the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of African Unity voted numerous resolutions condemning the regime.

In the course of 70 years in South Africa witnessed numerous violent social upheavals and promoted by the black majority, but severely repressed by the white elite. Under the government of hardliners, led by Peter. W. Botha (1985-1988), tried to eliminate opposition to the white government and the race riots were harshly repressed.

However, social upheaval and intensified international pressure. In 1989, Frederic. W. de Klerk, became president. In 1990, the new president leads the South African regime to a change that puts an end to apartheid. That same year, the black leader Nelson Mandela, who since 1964 serving a sentence of life imprisonment, is released. In the first free elections took place in 1993, Mandela was elected president of South Africa and ruled from 1994 to 1999
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segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

Geografia Apartheid

O líder anti-apartheid Nelson Mandela, que presidiu a África do Sul ao fim do regime segregacionista.
O apartheid foi estabelecido oficialmente na África do Sul em 1948 pelo Nationalist Party (Partido dos Nacionalistas) que ascendeu ao poder e bloqueou a política integracionista que vinha sendo praticada pelo governo central.

O Nationalist Party representava os interesses das elites brancas, especificamente da minoria boere. Após 1948, o sistema de segregação racial atingiu o auge. Foram abolidos definitivamente alguns direitos políticos e sociais que ainda existiam em algumas províncias sul-africanas.

As diferenças raciais foram juridicamente codificadas de modo a classificar a população de acordo com o grupo social a que pertenciam. A segregação assumiu enorme extensão permeando todos os espaços e relações sociais. Os casamentos entre brancos e negros foram proibidos.

Os negros não podiam ocupar o mesmo transporte coletivo usado pelos brancos, não podiam residir no mesmo bairro e nem realizar o mesmo trabalho, entre outras restrições. Os brancos passaram a controlar cerca de 87% do território do país, o que sobrava se compunha de territórios independentes, mas paupérrimos, deixados aos grupos sociais não-brancos.

Declínio do apartheid
O apartheid é o único caso histórico de um sistema onde a segregação racial assumiu uma dimensão institucional. Essa situação permite definir o governo sul-africano como uma ditadura da raça branca.

Na década de 1970, o governo da África do Sul tentou em vão encontrar fórmulas que pudessem assegurar certa legitimidade internacional. Porém, tanto a ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) como a Organização da Unidade Africana, votaram inúmeras resoluções condenando o regime.

No transcurso dos anos 70, a África do Sul presenciou inúmeras e violentas revoltas sociais promovidas pela maioria negra, mas duramente reprimidas pela elite branca. Sob o governo de linha dura, liderado por Peter. W. Botha (1985-1988), tentou-se eliminar os opositores brancos ao governo e as revoltas raciais foram duramente reprimidas.

Porém, as revoltas sociais se intensificaram bem como as pressões internacionais. Em 1989, Frederic. W. de Klerk, assumiu a presidência. Em 1990, o novo presidente conduz o regime sul-africano a uma mudança que põe fim ao apartheid. Neste mesmo ano, o líder negro Nelson Mandela, que desde 1964 cumpria pena de prisão perpétua, é posto em liberdade. Nas primeiras eleições livres, ocorridas em 1993, Mandela é eleito presidente da África do Sul e governa de 1994 a 1999

Rock in Rio (Texto em Inglês)

Rock in Rio

A dream come true.
In January 1985, when the City of Rock opens its gates to an audience of 1,380 million people - equivalent to 5 Woodstocks - nobody imagined, yet, the dream conceived by Roberto Medina would become the biggest rock event of all time. For its perfect organization, by its very high mood, the care with which it was carried out in detail: the construction of the City of Rock the coming of the great international bands.
In Brazil, the mood was euphoric with the election of Tancredo Neves as President of the Republic. In the City of Rock, the fifth day was dedicated to the Brazilian people. On stage, before announcing the first band, the presenter opened the evening saying, "We believe that will change."
More than just a rock festival, Rock in Rio I, and put Brazil on the route of the major international shows, showed that the harmony was possible. Were 10 days, 90 hours, 5400 minutes of great music and emotion. All in one direction, one voice, one song.

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009

Rock in Rio

Um sonho que virou realidade.

Em janeiro de 1985, quando a Cidade do Rock abriu seus portões para um público de 1.380 mil pessoas - o equivalente a 5 Woodstocks -, ninguém imaginava, ainda, que o sonho idealizado por Roberto Medina se transformaria no maior evento de rock de todos os tempos. Por sua organização impecável, por seu altíssimo astral, pelo cuidado com que foi realizado nos mínimos detalhes: da construção da Cidade do Rock à vinda das grandes bandas internacionais.
No Brasil, o clima era de euforia com a eleição de Tancredo Neves para a Presidência da República. Na Cidade do Rock, o quinto dia era dedicado ao povo brasileiro. No palco, antes de anunciar a primeira banda, o apresentador abriu a noite dizendo: "Vamos acreditar que vai mudar".
Mais que um simples festival de rock, o Rock in Rio I, além de colocar o Brasil na rota dos grandes shows internacionais, mostrou que a harmonia era possível. Foram 10 dias, 90 horas, 5.400 minutos de muita música e muita emoção. Todos numa direção, uma só voz, uma canção.